Ramalan PRK P36: Kuala Terengganu
Alasannya mudah, UMNO masih lagi dalam mood mereka dalam pemilihan parti pada Mac 2009. Maka akan banyak kisah2 belakang tabir akan dibongkarkan. Lagipula, strategi BN meletakkan Dato Wan Farid sebagai calon merupakan antara akan menjadi penyebab jika mereka mengalami kekalahan pada Pilihanraya kali ini. Umum sudah tahu, Dato' Wan Farid merupakan orang rapat dengan Khairi Jamaludin, dan Paklah. Jika bukan kerana abang Dato' Wan Hisham bekas exco Terengganu dalam kabinet Idris Jusoh begitu menonjol dengan Projek Monsoon Cup serta keakraban beliau dengan tokoh politik atasan tingkat 4 sudah tentu barangkali Dato' Wan Hisham masih lagi Adun Ladang. Cuma sedikit berbeza kali ini dengan Calon yang dikemukakan oleh BN dengan penyandang iaitu Arwah Razali Ismail yang terkenal sebagai bekas cikgu, bekas pegawai dan pengarah pelajaran negeri dan Malaysia sebagai seorang yang berjiwa rakyat. Jadi pada telahan aku, UMNO perlukan taktik yang berbeza untuk menang kali ini, memang akan berlaku taburan duit ihsan untuk pengundi2 tetapi untuk mengatakan mood pengundi akan berubah atas sebab tersebut adalah agak sukar.
Ini cuma telahan atau ramalan semata-mata dari pemerhati politik dari atas menara rakyat. Sedikit sebanyak, mood pilihan rakyat kita sudah dapat agak kemana dan di petak mana pangkahan akan dibuat oleh para pengundi. Namun, siapa tahu mungkin UMNO dapat mengimbangi perlawanan politik dalam PRK P36 kali ini. Selamat mengundi !
Mukjizat yang paling jelas sampai saat ini yaitu al'quran itu sendiri, sejak 1400 tahun lalu quran tetap terjaga keasliannya, didalam quran juga terdapat rahasia sains modern.
selain itu mukjizat lainnya yaitu ajarannya, sejak 1400 tahun lalu Muhammad saw mengatakan bahwa Babi dan alkohol itu haram dan dilarang untuk dikonsumsi (basic ajaran Allah swt) sampai sekarang hal itu tetap dipatuhi oleh ummatnya walaupun sudah 14 abad lewat, berbeda sedikit dengan ajaran yesus yang dengan seenaknya dirubah oleh Paulus...
selain itu mukjizat yang pernah dilakukan Muhammad saw adalah MEMBELAH BULAN??????? benarkah???? mari kita cek kebenarannya...
benarkah peristiwa menakjubkan 14 abad yabg lalu saat Rasulullah dengan izin Allah membelah bulan?. Apapun yang datang dari Allah dan Rasulnya masuk akal atau tidak maka tiada pilihan untuk menolaknya. Karena sebuah penolakan adalah sbuah jawaban sedekat apa Iman kita pada kebenaran itu?. Untaian Risalah berikut smoga bisa menambah keyakinan kita akan sebuah kebenaran,... kebenaran yang mutlak dari-Nya.
Allah berfirman: "Sungguh telah dekat hari qiamat, dan bulan pun telah terbelah (Q.S. Al-Qamar: 1)" Apakah kalian akan membenarkan kisah yang dari ayat Al-Qur'an ini menyebabkan masuk Islamnya pimpinan Hizb Islami Inggris ??Di bawah ini adalah kisahnya:
Dalam temu wicara di televisi bersama pakar Geologi Muslim, Prof. Dr. Zaghlul Al-Najar, salah seorang warga Inggris mengajukan pertanyaan kepadanya, apakah ayat dari surat Al-Qamar di atas memiliki kandungan mukjizat secara ilmiah ?
Maka Prof. Dr. Zaghlul Al-Najar menjawabnya sebagai berikut:
Tentang ayat ini, saya akan menceritakan sebuah kisah. Sejak beberapa waktu lalu, saya mempresentasikan di Univ. Cardif, Inggris bagian barat, dan para peserta yang hadir bermacam-macam, ada yang muslim dan ada juga yang bukan muslim. Salah satu tema diskusi waktu itu adalah seputar mukjizat ilmiah dari Al-Qur'an. Salah seorang pemuda yang beragama muslim pun berdiri dan bertanya, "Wahai Tuan, apakah menurut anda ayat yang berbunyi [Telah dekat hari qiamat dan bulan pun telah terbelah] mengandung mukjizat secara ilmiah ? Maka saya menjawabnya: Tidak, sebab kehebatan ilmiah diterangkan oleh ilmu pengetahuan, sedangkan mukjizat tidak bisa diterangkan ilmu pengetahuan, sebab ia tidak bisa menjagkaunya.
Dan tentang terbelahnya bulan, maka itu adalah mukjizat yang terjadi pada Rasul terakhir Muhammad shallallahu 'alaihi wassalam sebagai pembenaran atas kenabian dan kerasulannya, sebagaimana nabi-nabi sebelumnya. Dan mukjizat yang kelihatan, maka itu disaksikan dan dibenarkan oleh setiap orang yang melihatnya. Andai hal itu tidak termaktub di dalam kitab Allah dan hadits-hadits Rasulullah, maka tentulah kami para muslimin di zaman ini tidak akan mengimani hal itu. Akan tetapi hal itu memang benar termaktub di dalam Al-Qur'an dan sunnah-sunnah Rasulullah shallallahu alaihi wassalam. Dan memang Allah ta'alaa benar-benar Maha berkuasa atas segala sesuatu.
Maka Prof. Dr. Zaghlul Al-Najar pun mengutip sebuah kisah Rasulullah membelah bulan. Kisah itu adalah sebelum hijrah dari Mekah Mukarramah ke Madinah. Orang-orang musyrik berkata, "Wahai Muhammad, kalau engkau benar Nabi dan Rasul, coba tunjukkan kepada kami satu kehebatan yang bisa membuktikan kenabian dan kerasulanmu (mengejek dan mengolok-olok)?" Rasulullah bertanya, "Apa yang kalian inginkan ? Mereka menjawab: Coba belah bulan, .."
Maka Rasulullah pun berdiri dan terdiam, lalu berdoa kepada Allah agar menolongnya. Maka Allah memberitahu Muhammad agar mengarahkan telunjuknya ke bulan. Maka Rasulullah pun mengarahkan telunjuknya ke bulan, dan terbelahlah bulat itu dengan sebenar-benarnya. Maka serta-merta orang-orang musyrik pun berujar, "Muhammad, engkau benar-benar telah menyihir kami!" Akan tetapi para ahli mengatakan bahwa sihir, memang benar bisa saja "menyihir" orang yang ada disampingnya akan tetapi tidak bisa menyihir orang yang tidak ada ditempat itu. Maka mereka pun pada menunggu orang-orang yang akan pulang dari perjalanan. Maka orang-orang Quraisy pun bergegas menuju keluar batas kota Mekkah menanti orang yang baru pulang dari perjalanan. Dan ketika datang rombongan yang pertama kali dari perjalanan menuju Mekkah, maka orang-orang musyrik pun bertanya, "Apakah kalian melihat sesuatu yang aneh dengan bulan?"Mereka menjawab, "Ya, benar. Pada suatu malam yang lalu kami melihat bulan terbelah menjadi dua dansaling menjauh masing-masingnya kemudian bersatu kembali...!!!"
Maka sebagian mereka pun beriman, dan sebagian lainnya lagi tetap kafir (ingkar). Oleh karena itu, Allah menurunkan ayat-Nya:
Sungguh, telah dekat hari qiamat, dan telah terbelah bulan, dan ketika melihat tanda-tanda kebesaran Kami, merekapun ingkar lagi berpaling seraya berkata, "Ini adalah sihir yang terus-menerus", dan mereka mendustakannya, bahkan mengikuti hawa nafsu mereka. Dan setiap urusan benar-benar telah tetap ....sampai akhir surat Al-Qamar.
Ini adalah kisah nyata, demikian kata Prof. Dr. Zaghlul Al-Najar. Dan setelah selesainya Prof. Dr. Zaghlul menyampaikan hadits nabi tersebut, berdiri seorang muslim warga Inggris dan memperkenalkan diri seraya berkata, "Aku Daud Musa Pitkhok, ketua Al-Hizb Al-Islamy Inggris. Wahai tuan, bolehkah aku menambahkan??"
Prof. Dr. Zaghlul Al-Najar menjawab: Dipersilahkan dengan senang hati."
Daud Musa Pitkhok berkata, "Aku pernah meneliti agama-agama (sebelum menjadi muslim), maka salah seorang mahasiswa muslim menunjukiku sebuah terjemah makna-makna Al-Qur'an yang mulia. Maka, aku pun berterima kasih kepadanya dan aku membawa terjemah itu pulang ke rumah. Dan ketika aku membuka-buka terjemahan Al-Qur'an itu di rumah, maka surat yang pertama aku buka ternyata Al-Qamar. Dan aku pun membacanya: Telah dekat hari qiamat dan bulan pun telah terbelah...
Maka aku pun bergumam: Apakah kalimat ini masuk akal?? Apakah mungkin bulan bisa terbelah kemudian bersatu kembali?? Andai benar, kekuatan macam apa yang bisa melakukan hal itu??? Maka, aku pun menghentikan dari membaca ayat-ayat selanjutnya dan aku menyibukkan diri dengan urusan kehidupan sehari-hari. Akan tetapi Allah Yang Maha Tahu tentang tingkat keikhlasam hamba-Nya dalam pencarian kebenaran. Maka aku pun suatu hari duduk di depan televisi Inggris. Saat itu ada sebuah diskusi diantara presenter seorang Inggris dan 3 orang pakar ruang angkasa AS.
Ketiga pakar antariksa tersebut pun menceritakan tentang dana yang begitu besardalam rangka melakukan perjalanan ke antariksa, padahal saat yang sama dunia sedang mengalami masalah kelaparan, kemiskinan, sakit dan perselisihan. Presenter pun berkata, " Andai dana itu digunakan untuk memakmurkan bumi, tentulah lebih banyak berguna". Ketiga pakar itu pun membela diri dengan proyek antariksanya dan berkata, "Proyek antariksa ini akan membawa dampak yang sangat positif pada banyak segmen kehidupan manusia, baik segi kedokteran, industri, dan pertanian. Jadi pendanaan tersebut bukanlah hal yang sia-sia, akan tetapi hal itu dalam rangka pengembangan kehidupan manusia.
Dan diantara diskusi tersebut adalah tentang turunnya astronot menjejakkan kakiknya di bulan, dimana perjalanan antariksa ke bulan tersebut telah menghabiskan dana tidak kurang dari 100 juta dollar. Mendengar hal itu, presenter terperangah kaget danberkata, "Kebodohan macam apalagi ini, dana begitu besar dibuang oleh AS hanya untuk bisa mendarat di bulan?" Mereka pun menjawab, "Tidak, ..!!! Tujuannya tidak semata menancapkan ilmu pengetahuan AS di bulan, akan tetapi kami mempelajari kandungan yang ada di dalam bulan itu sendiri, maka kami pun telah mendapat hakikat tentang bulan itu, yang jika kita berikan dana lebih dari 100 juta dollar untuk kesenangan manusia, maka kami tidak akan memberikan dana itu kepada siapapun. Maka presenter itu pun bertanya, "Hakikat apa yang kalian telah capai sehingga demikian mahal taruhannya. Mereka menjawab,
"Ternyata bulan pernah mengalami pembelahan di suatu hari dahulu kala, kemudian menyatu kembali.!!! Presenter pun bertanya, "Bagaimana kalian bisa yakin akan hal itu?" Mereka menjawab, "Kami mendapati secara pasti dari batuan-batuan yang terpisah terpotong di permukaan bulan sampai di dalam (perut) bulan. Maka kami pun meminta para pakar geologi untuk menelitinya, dan mereka mengatakan, "Hal ini tidak mungkin telah terjadi kecuali jika memang bulan pernah terbelah lalu bersatu kembali".
Mendengar paparan itu, ketua Al-Hizb Al-Islamy Inggris mengatakan, "Maka aku pun turun dari kursi dan berkata, "Mukjizat (kehebatan) benar-benar telah terjadi pada diri Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wassallam 1400-an tahun yang lalu. Allah benar-benar telah mengolok-olok AS untuk mengeluarkan dana yang begitu besar, 100 juta dollar lebih, hanya untuk menetapkan akan kebenaran muslimin !!!! Maka, agama Islam ini tidak mungkin salah ... Maka aku pun berguman, "Maka, aku pun membuka kembali Mushhaf Al-Qur'an dan aku baca surat Al-Qamar, dan ... saat itu adalah awal aku menerima dan masuk Islam.
Diterjemahkan oleh: Abu Muhammad ibn Shadiq
Source:Dipetik dari: http://www.axxyc.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=110&t=153&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=240
IT Salary Guide: Malaysia VS Singapore
You might notice that the figures in this guide is comparatively lower than those published in the ZDNet Asia IT Salary Benchmark Survey 2008 and Robert Walters Global Salary Survey 2008. One probable reason I found out is that Kelly Services' Malaysia Salary guide focuses on executives with less than 5 years of working experience, hence we can't expect the figure to be too high. In the guide anyhow, a Lead Electrical Engineer with 7 years of experience gets a salary range from RM5,000 to RM15,000.
Lets focus on IT professional salary. Professional in Singapore averagely getting more 1000-3000 in a value of a numbers. And of course after calculate this numbers with current exchange rate our salary is estimated lower RM2500 - RM6000 per month. Ouch!!!
Click here to download the Malaysia Salary guide 2008/09.
Click here to download the Singapore Salary guide 2008/09.
PRK: Parlimen Kuala Terengganu
Dalam pilihan raya umum ke-12 Mac lalu, allahyarham Razali yang mewakili Barisan Nasional (BN) memperoleh 32,562 undi menewaskan Naib Presiden PAS, Mohamad Sabu (31,562 undi) dan calon Bebas,Maimon Yusof (gambar bawah), 89, (685 undi).

Apa yang aku harapkan pada PRK Kuala Terengganu kali ini.
-Projek-projek yang akan dilancarkan di K.T oleh pemimpin BN (ini sudah lumrah setiap kali PRK)
-Harga minyak turun lebih banyak dari kadar biasa, i.e:RM0.15 mungkin kepada RM0.20
-Kempen-kempen lebih rancak dengan adanya DSAI di tapak ceramah.
-Maybe adanya satu lagi calon bebas, dulu Tok Mun dengan parti Kunci maybe boleh jugak ada calon bebas dengan Parti Solex. :D
Apa yang aku tak nak tengok.
-FRU turun, buat kecoh seolah-olah ada rusuhan
P/S:Al Fatihah Kepada Allahyarham Dato Razali Ismail. Keluarga aku mengenali rapat dengan Allahyarham sejak zaman-zaman abah aku bermain badminton dengan beliau sejak zaman 70-80an lagi. Dan Allahyarham juga sempat menghadiri perkahwinan aku pada awal tahun ini. Al-Fatihah untuk beliau semoga rohnya di cucuri rahmat dari Allah S.W.T
Secret of your Success
Secret of your Success
"Sir, What is the secret of your success?" a reporter asked a bank president.
"Two words"
"And, Sir,what are they?"
"Right decisions."
"And how do you make right decisions?"
"One word."
"And,sir, What is that?"
"And how do you get experience?"
"Two words"
"And, Sir, what are they?"
"Wrong decisions"
Temberang Ustaz Cakra Alam:TV Korea & 360
Video part 2 dari rancangan TV Korea Selatan dah kantoikan taktik cakra alam punya ustaz ni
Temuramah dengan rancangan 360 di TV3, Ustat ni cuba plak nak nafikan tapi kantoi jugak masa interview ni. Jangan la pegang hidung, its sign of lier.
P/S:Maknanya ustat ni pun pandai jugak lah dlm bidang2 sains ni haha, tapi disalah gunakan la plak kebijaksaan dia.Sains penipuan nama dia tapi tidak diajar dalam bahasa inggeris seperti matapelajaran sains di sekolah.. Tapi aku pernah gak tgk dalm tv la, dia suruh student dia hentak batu bata atas perut, tidur atas kaca etc2.. kira kuat la ustat ni selain kuat temberang

Saya cadangkan ustaz ni buat rancangan TV macam James Randi , mat saleh yang dah bongkarkan taktik dia. Ko try plak bongkarkan/kantoi kan David Blaine ke.
The IT Guy | Episode #6: Storage Made Simple
Two minute humorous video touching on Sun's systems advantages
Top 10 ‘Apple Suck’ images
Want a better explanation for “how apple sucks”? Here it is. I have gathered 10 best of images that explain how Apple sucks. Enjoy them and sorry Apple fan boys if this hurts you.
Well not really but somehow:
The Mac-ed kid!:
Best explanation, I love this:
Now this is must to be known thing:
Aaa yea Macs have less viruses but…:
Either show off or get a better thing:
May be smart but not many:
GMAIL now has a theme
Makanan Tradisi Terengganu Ketupat Sotong
Cool Band from UK: Razorlights
P/S:Posting from Dubai International Airport, wait for my next posting on my job trip to Sana'a Yemen. Im now waiting for next flight to KL.
Handbag for FREE????????
Google Introduces an iPhone Rival called G1
Published: September 24, 2008
SAN FRANCISCO — Google and T-Mobile unveiled their answer to the iPhone on Tuesday, pulling the wraps off a slick mobile device that combines a touch screen and a keyboard and is aimed at putting the Internet in the pockets of millions of cellphone users.
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The T-Mobile G1 will cost $179, $20 less than the iPhone.
Pogue: A First Look at Google’s New Phone
Times Topics: Google Inc.
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Jacob Silberberg/Reuters
The Google founders Larry Page, left, and Sergey Brin introduced the G1 on Tuesday in New York. The G1, Google’s smartphone joint venture with T-Mobile, will have an applications store.
The T-Mobile G1, which will be available in the United States on Oct. 22, is the first mobile phone to be powered by Google’s Android operating system. It represents a milestone in Google’s efforts to extend its dominance of the PC-based Internet to mobile phones and further loosen the control that wireless carriers have over what consumers can do with their phones.
Analysts said that the G1 did not represent the kind of revolutionary change in design and function that Apple introduced last year with the iPhone. But the G1 is likely to further accelerate two trends that will have a lasting impact on the wireless industry: the growing use of the Internet on the go, and the ability of consumers to customize their phones with their favorite functions.
“I am not sure people are going to be lining up at stores for this device,” said Rajeev Chand, an analyst with Rutberg & Company. “The iPhone was a game changer from a consumer perspective. The Google phone may be more of game changer from an industry perspective.”
The G1, which is made by the Taiwanese electronics maker HTC, has a large color touch screen that slides out to expose a full keyboard. It also has a 3-megapixel camera, G.P.S. navigation, Wi-Fi access and an Internet browser. It will sell for $179, or $20 less than the iPhone, with a two-year voice and data plan.
“This is as good a computer as you had a few years ago,” said Google’s co-founder Larry Page, who along with co-founder Sergey Brin arrived on Rollerblades at the New York stage where Google and T-Mobile held a news conference to unveil the G1.
Although several applications, including Google’s search, maps, Gmail and YouTube, come installed on the phone, the G1 is also meant to encourage third-party developers to create programs to run on it. Like Apple, Google will include an applications store, called the Android Marketplace, where the owners of the G1 and future Android-powered phones will be able to download those programs.
Google said that developers would have virtually unfettered access to the marketplace, leaving it up to consumers — not Google or T-Mobile — to decide what they want to run on their phones.
While the G1 is expected to compete with high-end smartphones like the iPhone and the BlackBerry line of devices made by Research in Motion, Google’s aims are far different from those of its rivals.
Google makes the Android software available for free to carriers and handset makers who want to use it to power their own devices. Google hopes that many will choose to do so, populating the market with mobile phones that have easy access to Google’s services. Just as it does on the PC-based Internet, Google hopes to earn money from advertising.
“For Google, Android is a cash drain,” said James Faucette, an analyst with Pacific Crest Securities. “They are going to lose money on Android as an operating system. They hope to make it up from the services that they are delivering through their infrastructure and servers.”
While Google is betting on the success of Android, it also stands to benefit from the success of other smartphones, as their owners tend to surf and search the Internet much more actively than users of less advanced phones. Indeed, Google said earlier this year that its mobile service received a disproportionate amount of traffic from iPhone users.
“We want people out there to use the Internet on their phones a lot,” Mr. Brin said in an interview. “It actually doesn’t matter if it is Android, the iPhone or something else.”
T-Mobile, is counting on the G1 to increase its sale of data plans and said it believed the devices would appeal to consumers and business users.
“I think frankly this device will have mass appeal,” said Cole Brodman, chief technology and innovation officer of T-Mobile USA, a subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom.
Android is unlikely to take the smartphone market by storm overnight. Despite its success, the iPhone accounted for just 2.8 percent of smartphones sold worldwide in the second quarter, according to Gartner, a market analysis firm. Windows Mobile, a seven-year-old Microsoft operating system that runs on phones sold by more than 160 carriers, has just 12 percent of the market.
“Nobody meets, falls in love and celebrates their 50th anniversary all at once,” said Scott Rockfeld, group product manager at Microsoft. “Success in this industry depends in solid relationships over time.”
The Job(s)
today is 21 day i fulfill my fasting in this holy month of ramadhan with my wife. Its been a challenging way ahead because im still in doubt whether to accept several offers in hand right now or focus on the business.
Selamat berbuka puasa!
Salam Ramadhan
Malaysia Today blocked by MCMC
However Malaysian Government has use another act to do such action by invoking Section 263 of the Communications and Multimedia Act (1998) by pressuring license holders (such as ISPs) to take action against service user like Malaysia Today alleged to be contravening national laws. (Under of the Act, a licensee must “use his best endeavour” to prevent his/her facilities from being used to violate any law in the country”).
This is nonsense, clearly BN GOV has violated MSC 10 Point Bill of Guarantees. This 10 Point is to support MSC flagship to ensure continuous investment from big IT Firm to open their business here. Are they all jokers? This is purely a political action, this incident will definitely will be one of the points to be seriously taken by outside investor before open their company in Malaysia and grant MSC status.
Early this year Google it self has been said to open their mega datacenter in Malaysia to growth their business, but this stupid action by government is definitely stupid.
The 10 Point Bill of Guarantee.
As part of its commitment to ensure the success of MSC Malaysia Status companies, the Malaysian Government promises to fulfill the following Bill of Guarantees:
1. Provide a world-class physical and information infrastructure.
2. Allow unrestricted employment of local and foreign knowledge workers.
Ensure freedom of ownership by exempting companies with MSC Malaysia Status from local ownership requirements.
4. Give the freedom to source capital globally for MSC Malaysia infrastructure, and the right to borrow funds globally.
5. Provide competitive financial incentives, including no income tax for up to 10 years or an investment tax allowance, and no duties on import of multimedia equipment.
6. Become a regional leader in intellectual property protection and cyberlaws.
7. Ensure no Internet censorship.
8. Provide globally competitive telecommunications tariffs.
9. Tender key MSC Malaysia infrastructure contracts to leading companies willing to use the MSC Malaysia as their regional hub.
10. Provide an effective one-stop agency - the Multimedia Development Corporation.
p/s:malaysia-today.net can be accessed by this new url www.mt.harapanmalaysia.com/2008/
Netbackup:Configuring Drive on RHEL(kernel 2.6)
[root@Cel202 bin]# uptime
12:37:35 up 25 min, 1 user, load average: 0.03, 0.06, 0.05
[root@Cel202 ~]# lssg
sg0 0,0,0,0 HP Ultrium 2-SCSI K470
sg1 0,0,1,0 HP Ultrium 2-SCSI K470
sg2 0,0,2,0 HP Ultrium 4-SCSI H44S
sg3 0,0,3,0 HP Ultrium 4-SCSI H44S
sg4 1,0,0,0 HP Ultrium 2-SCSI K710
sg5 1,0,1,0 HP Ultrium 2-SCSI K710
sg6 2,0,0,0 HP Ultrium 3-SCSI L58S
sg7 2,0,1,0 HP Ultrium 3-SCSI L58S
sg8 3,0,0,0 HP Ultrium 3-SCSI L58S
sg9 3,0,1,0 HP Ultrium 3-SCSI L58S
[root@Cel202 ~]# cd /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/
[root@Cel202 bin]# ./tpautoconf -a
TPAC60 - - - -1~-1~-1~-1 2 - - - 0 - - - - - - - 0 0 - - cel202 4 - - 0 - - - -
TPAC60 ULTRIUM3_08 HP~~~~~~Ultrium~3-SCSI~~L58S /dev/nst9 -1~-1~-1~-1 1 0 0 8 8 3 - - - HU10648P9Y - 3 0 1 - - cel202 0 - - 0 - - - -
TPAC60 ULTRIUM3_07 HP~~~~~~Ultrium~3-SCSI~~L58S /dev/nst8 -1~-1~-1~-1 1 0 0 7 8 3 - - - HU10648P8R - 3 0 1 - - cel202 0 - - 0 - - - -
TPAC60 ULTRIUM3_06 HP~~~~~~Ultrium~3-SCSI~~L58S /dev/nst7 -1~-1~-1~-1 1 0 0 6 8 3 - - - HU10650UUE - 3 0 1 - - cel202 0 - - 0 - - - -
TPAC60 ULTRIUM3_05 HP~~~~~~Ultrium~3-SCSI~~L58S /dev/nst6 -1~-1~-1~-1 1 0 0 5 8 3 - - - HU10651AMG - 3 0 1 - - cel202 0 - - 0 - - - -
TPAC60 ULTRIUM2_04 HP~~~~~~Ultrium~2-SCSI~~K710 /dev/nst5 -1~-1~-1~-1 1 0 0 4 8 3 - - - MXP8A055CM - 3 0 1 - - cel202 0 - - 0 - - - -
TPAC60 ULTRIUM2_03 HP~~~~~~Ultrium~2-SCSI~~K710 /dev/nst4 -1~-1~-1~-1 1 0 0 3 8 3 - - - MXP8B02KAC - 3 0 1 - - cel202 0 - - 0 - - - -
TPAC60 HP.ULTRIUM4-SCSI.000 HP~~~~~~Ultrium~4-SCSI~~H44S /dev/nst3 -1~-1~-1~-1 1 0 - - 0 3 - - - HU18222726 - 5 0 0 cel8484 - cel202 0 - - 0 - - - -
TPAC60 HP.ULTRIUM4-SCSI.001 HP~~~~~~Ultrium~4-SCSI~~H44S /dev/nst2 -1~-1~-1~-1 1 0 - - 0 3 - - - HU181922Y3 - 5 0 0 cel8484 - cel202 0 - - 0 - - - -
TPAC60 ULTRIUM2_02 HP~~~~~~Ultrium~2-SCSI~~K470 /dev/nst1 -1~-1~-1~-1 1 0 0 2 8 3 - - - HUM4L00729 - 3 0 1 - - cel202 0 - - 0 - - - -
TPAC60 ULTRIUM2_01 HP~~~~~~Ultrium~2-SCSI~~K470 /dev/nst0 -1~-1~-1~-1 1 0 0 1 8 3 - - - HUM4M00002 - 3 0 1 - - cel202 0 - - 0 - - - -
[root@Cel202 bin]# ./tpconfig -d
Id DriveName Type Residence
Drive Path Status
0 ULTRIUM3_08 hcart TLD(0) DRIVE=8
/dev/nst9 UP
1 ULTRIUM3_07 hcart TLD(0) DRIVE=7
/dev/nst8 UP
2 ULTRIUM3_06 hcart TLD(0) DRIVE=6
/dev/nst7 UP
3 ULTRIUM3_05 hcart TLD(0) DRIVE=5
/dev/nst6 UP
4 ULTRIUM2_04 hcart TLD(0) DRIVE=4
/dev/nst5 UP
5 ULTRIUM2_03 hcart TLD(0) DRIVE=3
/dev/nst4 UP
8 ULTRIUM2_02 hcart TLD(0) DRIVE=2
/dev/nst1 UP
9 ULTRIUM2_01 hcart TLD(0) DRIVE=1
/dev/nst0 UP
[root@Cel202 bin]# cd /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/
[root@Cel202 goodies]# ./netbackup stop
stopping the NetBackup Service Monitor
stopping the NetBackup Service Layer
stopping the NetBackup compatibility daemon
stopping the Media Manager volume daemon
stopping the NetBackup Notification Service
[root@Cel202 goodies]# ./netbackup start
NetBackup Database Server started.
NetBackup Notification Service started.
NetBackup Enterprise Media Manager started.
NetBackup Resource Broker started.
Rebuilding device nodes.
Media Manager daemons started.
NetBackup request daemon started.
NetBackup compatibility daemon started.
NetBackup Job Manager started.
NetBackup Policy Execution Manager started.
NetBackup Service Layer started.
NetBackup is not configured for clustering.
NetBackup Service Monitor started.
Salinan Laporan dari Hospital Pusrawi
In Malaysia only: (politics) Suspect threat as terrorist
Taken from chegubard blogs:
BPSTUADD: Manual create storage unit in Veritas Netbackup
This is only for storage unit using tape library, for disk backup maybe i'll cover it later on.
1. Just to tell you where is bpstuadd command located if the system admin lazy to update OS profiles to include netbackup command path.
bash-2.04# which bpstuadd
2. So, now run bpstuadd command with the parameter as below. I'll explain each of the parameters after this.
bash-2.04# bpstuadd -M cel8484 -label cel202_STU -density hcart -rt tld -rn 0 -cj 8 -host cel202 -odo 0 -maxmpx 32 -mfs 1048576
3. Verify newly configured storage unit using bpstulist command.
bash-2.04# bpstulist -label cel202_STU -U -verbose
<2>bpstulist: INITIATING: version NetBackup 6.0 created: 2007070505
Label: cel202_STU
Storage Unit Type: Media Manager
Host Connection: cel202
Number of Drives: 8
On Demand Only: no
Max MPX/drive: 32
Density: hcart - 1/2 Inch Cartridge
Robot Type/Number: TLD / 0
Max Fragment Size: 1048576 MB
Now, let me explain what the hell is M, cj, odo and etc2.
M - is the master server name
label - is the storage unit name, anyname you want
density - is the type of media that will be use for backup. I use hcart as it still use LTO media
cj - is how many drives you want this storage unit use. In my case i put 8 drives.
host - is which media server is storage unit for.
odo - stands for on demand only to differenciate between SAN media server and media server.
maxmpx - is max multiple factor for each drive, you need some calculation for this.
mfs - is for max fragment size. Please read here to know what the hell is max fragment size.
Lagu Rasmi Pakatan Rakyat
One Buck Short - Kelibat Korupsi
Bertapa hebatnya kita membeli isu terkini
Fakir miskin terpedaya
Orang kaya semakin kaya
Bagaimana kita nak maju asyik mereka rembatkan
AP senang didapat
Projek besar diorang rembat
45 hitam biru mencari-caritujuan
Aku dia kita mangsa
Hal kecil menjadi besar
Apa lagi yang kita semua perlu lakukan
Bangsa kita keluar malam
Maruah bangsa semakin curam
Ingat kita takut?!
Apa mengarut?!
Kita tunjukkan!RAKYAT KEDEPAN!
Verse 2:
Bertahun-tahun akan kita merasai sengsara
Peperangan yang tak sudah!
Cari harta mengambil tanah!
Walau sekarang kita hidup hidup dah cukup mudah
Tak cukup tamak harta
Cari makan mereka kata
Dikir Barat:
Bak Kata
Cerita pendek
Kita harus Kerja sama
Jaga jaga Jaga nama
Kalau jatuh Depa pijak
Kerja sama Boleh maju
Jangan malas Jangan tipu
Makan rasuah
Tikam belakang
Semua ini Buat rosak
Tukar cara Kita fikir Baru hapus KORUPSI!
Tukar cara Kita fikir Baru hapus KORUPSI!
My car use old price fuel!

Didn't believe it? Well its up to u. My fuel miter indicates my tank is full and its full with old price fuel.
Well its started a month ago before our beloved government announce a crazy fuel price hike. I was pumping my car full of petrol 2 weeks before Pak Lah told us to 'UBAH GAYA HIDUP' while he is pumping billions of ringgit in Sabah and Sarawak just to save his and KJ political careers.
I was in Kerteh that time with my wife and on the day when i should go back to KL she want to come with me,so i drive her car then and i leave my car in Kerteh with full of petrol (luckyly no one knows).
And till last week i go back to KL with my car with old fuel price :-D.
P/S: A decade ago, speculator speculated the currency and now they are speculate the oil price. Im certainly sure one day oil will be the currency X factor. So i hope the government will do a brilliant job to make sure our country not becoming a poor nations.
Malaysia-today.net has been hacked!

I like this theory by Mathius Chang:
How to get a scholarship if you are dropped out from University
This is the steps it is easy. Especially even if you dropped out with a less than 1.0 CGPA, urmm yes that kind of dropped out but you have to come here in Malaysia.
The steps are:
1- Before you dropped out from your school, make sure you are active in University activity and had chance to meet minister.
2- Go to TPM office and meet their officer. (example of the picture you have to snap is as below preferably with the same person) - wear a neck tie too!
3- Snap a picture in front of the lobby.

That's it! Only 3 steps and you can get your scholarship!
Free & OSS Solaris Software
However, software from this sites is not a OEM from Sun Microsystem. Therefore use this software in your own risk. Most of this software is a open source software or freeware later has been ported in Solaris platform.
Download Sun Solaris Freeware
Veritas Storage Specialist Exam 4.0
When SF4.0 was released VERITAS released a free CD for partners to introduce
them to the new features of SF4.0 and prepare them for SF-040. That CD was free
only for those, who passed FS-035. But I think, because SF 5.0 was resealed
this CD is free for everybody.
You can find some useful material for SF-040 here
http://cd.sfbasic.ru/exams/exames_info.htm (most text are in Russian, sorry
The CD is here (~173MB)
(its in English)
SF documentation can be very use full for exam preparation (this is
SF5.0 NOT 4.0 docs!)
Use this link to investigate exam objectives and take a test
Other free tests:
My Cool Gmail
Free Veritas Cluster Server (VCS) Simulator
Symantec (they have bought Veritas) offers a freely available VCS emulator software that lets you train your skills. You can also use the freely available documentation. Here is the Solaris Veritas Cluster Server (VCS) manual. Of course, you could just grab the trial and run 2 Solaris (or Linux) virtual machines in VMware Server
Tips on Filling your Vehicles
his is a Message received from a friend:
I don't know what you guys are paying for petrol... but here in
One day is diesel; the next day is jet fuel, and petrol, LRP and Unleaded. We have 34-storage tanks here with a total capacity of 16,800,000 litres.
Remember that all service stations have their storage tanks buried below ground. The colder the ground, the denser the fuel, when it gets warmer petrol expands, so buying in the afternoon or in the evening.... your litre is not exactly a litre. In the petroleum business, the specific gravity and the temperature of the petrol, diesel and jet fuel, ethanol and other petroleum products play an important role. A 1degree rise in temperature is a big deal for this business. But the service stations do not have temperature compensation at the pumps.
If you look, you will see that the trigger has three (3) stages: low, middle, and high. In slow mode, you should be pumping on low speed, thereby minimizing the vapours that are created, while you are pumping. All hoses at the pump have a vapour return. If you are pumping on the fast rate, some of the liquid that goes to your tank becomes vapour. Those vapours are being sucked up and back into the underground storage tank so you're getting less worth for your money.
The reason for this is, the more fuel you have in your tank, the less air occupying its empty space. Petrol evaporates faster than you can imagine. Petroleum storage tanks have an internal floating roof. This roof serves as zero clearance between the petrol and the atmosphere, so it minimizes the evaporation. Unlike service stations, here where I work, every truck that we load is temperature compensated, so that every litre is actually the exact amount.
most likely the petrol/diesel is being stirred up as the fuel is being delivered, and you might pick up some of the dirt that normally settles on the bottom.
Hope, this will help you get the maximum value for your money.