BPSTUADD: Manual create storage unit in Veritas Netbackup

I hardly find a good manual in the internet to add a storage unit manually. Generally, storage unit can be added automatically using netbackup configurations wizard. However, in heterogeneous environment where sometimes one master servers with 30 or more san/media server in a backup environment command line is the best way to configure your netbackup.

This is only for storage unit using tape library, for disk backup maybe i'll cover it later on.


1. Just to tell you where is bpstuadd command located if the system admin lazy to update OS profiles to include netbackup command path.

bash-2.04# which bpstuadd

2. So, now run bpstuadd command with the parameter as below. I'll explain each of the parameters after this.
bash-2.04# bpstuadd -M cel8484 -label cel202_STU -density hcart -rt tld -rn 0 -cj 8 -host cel202 -odo 0 -maxmpx 32 -mfs 1048576

3. Verify newly configured storage unit using bpstulist command.
bash-2.04# bpstulist -label cel202_STU -U -verbose
<2>bpstulist: INITIATING: version NetBackup 6.0 created: 2007070505

Label: cel202_STU
Storage Unit Type: Media Manager
Host Connection: cel202
Number of Drives: 8
On Demand Only: no
Max MPX/drive: 32
Density: hcart - 1/2 Inch Cartridge
Robot Type/Number: TLD / 0
Max Fragment Size: 1048576 MB

Now, let me explain what the hell is M, cj, odo and etc2.

M - is the master server name
label - is the storage unit name, anyname you want
density - is the type of media that will be use for backup. I use hcart as it still use LTO media
cj - is how many drives you want this storage unit use. In my case i put 8 drives.
host - is which media server is storage unit for.
odo - stands for on demand only to differenciate between SAN media server and media server.
maxmpx - is max multiple factor for each drive, you need some calculation for this.
mfs - is for max fragment size. Please read here to know what the hell is max fragment size.