This morning i had a meeting with HR Mgr. Just an introduction session because she just come back to office after a long break. Then after that see my bos to get his signature because im apply for leave this monday. Then i go to my pc do some sniffing with this program called ngSniff.

And this is some of the result, like the other sniff products do
IP->version: 4
IP->ihl: 5
IP->tos: 0
IP->tot_len: 109
IP->id: 63768
IP->frag_off: 64
IP->ttl: 127
IP->protocol: 6
IP->checksum: 48977

TCP->sport: 1208
TCP->dport: 5101
TCP->seq: -889051087
TCP->ack: -184012413
TCP->off: 5
TCP->flags: PUSH|ACK
TCP->window: 63264
TCP->checksum: 27733
TCP->urp: 0

----- Begin of data dump -----
59 4d 53 47 00 0b 00 00 00 31 00 4d 00 00 00 00 YMSG.....1.M....
ce 7e 52 11 34 c0 80 65 6f 77 65 6e 61 38 31 c0 .~R.4..eowena81.
80 35 c0 80 73 71 65 77 6e 75 63 78 c0 80 31 33 .5..sqewnucx..13
c0 80 37 c0 80 34 39 c0 80 50 45 45 52 54 4f 50 ..7..49..PEERTOP
45 45 52 c0 80 EER..
----- End of data dump -----

[Musique on Air]
Anak Rusa Nani Baru Kembang Ekor