The 7 Top Management Errors that Lead to Computer Security Vulnerabilities

No 7: Pretend the problem will go away if they ignore it.
No 6: Authorize reactive, short-term fixes so problems re-emerge rapidly
No 5: Fail to realize how much money their information and organizational reputations are worth.
No 4: Rely primarily on a firewall.
No 3: Fail to deal with the operational aspects of security: make a few fixes and then not allow the follow through necessary to ensure the problems stay fixed
No 2: Fail to understand the relationship of information security to the business problem -- they understand physical security but do not see the consequences of poor information security.
No 1: Assign untrained people to maintain security and provide neither the training nor the time to make it possible to do the job.

[musique on air]
Slum Village - Slumber
[Current mood]
Lil bit sleepy + Worry + Happy