How to initiate image clean up manually

How to initiate image clean up manually against all media server.

#/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpimage -cleanup -allclients

NBU 7.X: All UNIX 32-bit system support has been discontinued

 From the NetBackup 7.0 Release Notes: "...
All UNIX 32-bit system support has been discontinued. To upgrade these systems to NetBackup 7.0, you must first migrate your current NetBackup 6.x catalogs and databases to a system with a supported platform. However, 32-bit media servers and clients that use NetBackup 6.x are compatible with 64-bit master servers that use NetBackup 7.0.

How to add new alias into existing Zone


Existing Zone name: Z_NBU_serverA_hba1

In this example, i want to add one more alias with name NBU_targets_2

Add alias into existing zone


FabricA:admin> zoneshow  Z_NBU_serverA_hba1
 zone:  Z_NBU_serverA_hba1
                NBU_targets_1; serverA_hba1_fab_b


FabricA:admin> zoneadd "Z_NBU_serverA_hba1", "NBU_targets_2"

Now, we verify the zone name with newly added alias:

FabricA:admin> zoneshow  Z_NBU_serverA_hba1
 zone:  Z_NBU_serverA_hba1
                NBU_targets_1; serverA_hba1_fab_b;NBU_targets_2

MySQL Dump Script for Windows

This is my simple script used to do a mysqldump on Windows server and then associate it with Windows Scheduler task. 

Mysqldump syntax, there are three general ways to invoke mysqldump:
shell> mysqldump [options] db_name [tables]
shell> mysqldump [options] --databases db_name1 [db_name2 db_name3...]
shell> mysqldump [options] --all-databases

I found few other script here and there and i combine it in one script here:

REM [at] echo off

for /f "tokens=1" %%i in ('date /t') do set DATE_DOW=%%i

for /f "tokens=2" %%i in ('date /t') do set DATE_DAY=%%i
for /f %%i in ('echo %date_day:/=-%') do set DATE_DAY=%%i
for /f %%i in ('time /t') do set DATE_TIME=%%i
for /f %%i in ('echo %date_time::=-%') do set DATE_TIME=%%i

"C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 4.1\bin\mysqldump" -u root -p207007 --all-databases> "C:\mySQL_Backup\%DATE_DAY%_%DATE_TIME%_db.sql"

"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -t7z "C:\mySQL_Backup\%DATE_DAY%_%DATE_TIME%_db.7z" "C:\mySQL_Backup\%DATE_DAY%_%DATE_TIME%_db.sql"

del "C:\mySQL_Backup\%DATE_DAY%_%DATE_TIME%_db.sql"
 Here is the sample output on Windows command :
C:\>REM [at] echo off
C:\>for /F "tokens=1" %i in ('date /t') do set DATE_DOW=%i
C:\>set DATE_DOW=Wed
C:\>for /F "tokens=2" %i in ('date /t') do set DATE_DAY=%i
C:\>set DATE_DAY=10/05/2011
C:\>for /F %i in ('echo 10-05-2011') do set DATE_DAY=%i
C:\>set DATE_DAY =10-05-2011
C:\>for /F %i in  ('time /t') do set DATE_TIME=%i
C:\>set DATE_TIME=04:48
C:\>for /F %i in  ('echo 04-48') do set DATE_TIME=%i
C:\>set DATE_TIME=04-48
C:\>"C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 4.1\bin\mysqldump" -u root -p207007 --all-databases 1>"C:\mySQL_Backup\10-05-2011_04-48_db.sql"

C:\>"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -t7z "C:\mySQL_Backup\10-05-2011_04-48_db.7z" "C:\mySQL_Backup\10-05-2011_04-48_db.sql"

7-Zip 9.20  Copyright (c) 1999-2010 Igor Pavlov  2010-11-18

Creating archive C:\mySQL_Backup\10-05-2011_04-48_db.7z

Compressing  10-05-2011_04-48_db.sql   56%

The compressing will show you the percentage complete, and once compressing complete it will delete the original sql dump file.

7-Steps :Continual Service Improvement

4 P’s of IT Service Management

  • People (including skills, experience, knowledge, culture and communication)
  • Processes (including policies, role descriptions, usability and measurability)
  • Products (technology, including performance, price and support)
  • Partners (suppliers, including contracts, monitoring and reporting)

FT pipes are in use

In a SAN Client environment, sometime we will see this errors while the jobs seems running but actually its queuing waiting for the FT Pipes to be opened.  But, often the FT pipes are available but some of them has been orphaned due to CORBA exception during cleanup. And if its reached time out you will get error code 83 on netbackup job.

In the Job Details, this will indicates and show you the FT Pipes are in use:
Sep 23, 2011 7:02:09 AM - awaiting resource stug-dpad_nbx_01. Waiting for resources.
          Reason: FT pipes are in use, Media server:,
          Robot Type(Number): NONE(N/A), Media ID: N/A, Drive Name: N/A,
          Volume Pool: NetBackup, Storage Unit: stu-dpad_nbu004_01, Drive Scan Host: N/A,
          Disk Pool: dpad_nbu004_01, Disk Volume: /opt/openv/dpad_nbu004_01_06
Now, we list the orphaned pipes:
# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbrbutil -listOrphanedPipes

Pipe ID         Pipe State              Media Server
3               PIPE_ORPHANED 
10              PIPE_ORPHANED 
12              PIPE_ORPHANED 
13              PIPE_ORPHANED 
14              PIPE_ORPHANED 
15              PIPE_ORPHANED 
16              PIPE_ORPHANED 
4               PIPE_ORPHANED 
5               PIPE_ORPHANED 
6               PIPE_ORPHANED 
7               PIPE_ORPHANED 
8               PIPE_ORPHANED 
9               PIPE_ORPHANED 
10              PIPE_ORPHANED 
11              PIPE_ORPHANED 
12              PIPE_ORPHANED 
13              PIPE_ORPHANED 
15              PIPE_ORPHANED 
16              PIPE_ORPHANED 
16              PIPE_ORPHANED 
1               PIPE_ORPHANED 
3               PIPE_ORPHANED 
4               PIPE_ORPHANED 
5               PIPE_ORPHANED 
6               PIPE_ORPHANED 
7               PIPE_ORPHANED 
8               PIPE_ORPHANED 
9               PIPE_ORPHANED 
14              PIPE_ORPHANED 
15              PIPE_ORPHANED 
16              PIPE_ORPHANED 
8               PIPE_ORPHANED 
12              PIPE_ORPHANED 
1               PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
2               PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
3               PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
4               PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
5               PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
6               PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
7               PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
8               PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
9               PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
10              PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
11              PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
12              PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
13              PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
14              PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
15              PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
16              PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
1               PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
2               PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
3               PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
4               PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
6               PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
7               PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
8               PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
9               PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
10              PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
11              PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
12              PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
13              PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
14              PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
15              PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
16              PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
1               PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
2               PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
3               PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
4               PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
5               PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
6               PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
7               PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
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2               PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
1               PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
14              PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
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2               PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
3               PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
4               PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
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9               PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
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11              PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
12              PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
13              PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
14              PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
15              PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
16              PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
1               PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
2               PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
3               PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
4               PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
5               PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
6               PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
7               PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
8               PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
9               PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
10              PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
11              PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
12              PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
13              PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
14              PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
15              PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
6               PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
10              PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
14              PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED
16              PIPE_CLIENT_ORPHANED

As you can see, i have a lot of orphaned PIPES to be cleared.  Run below command to release the orphaned pipes:
# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbrbutil  -releaseOrphanedPipes
 List back if there's anymore orphaned pipes , it should be gone by now:
# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbrbutil -listOrphanedPipes

RACI Matrix for ITIL v3

Unix command to list based on the file size

Unix command to list based on the file size:
ls -al | sort -rn +4

bash-2.03#  ls -al | sort -rn +4
-rw-rw-r--   1 root     sys       811680 Sep 12 10:01 ups_data
-rw-rw-rw-   1 root     root      131244 Sep  7 16:49 .Perflib
-rw-rw-r--   1 root     sys        76764 Sep 21 22:51 mibiisa_ps_data
-rw-r-----   1 root     other      35454 Sep 23 14:23 net.client.list
drwxrwxrwt  25 root     sys         6344 Sep 24 11:00 .
drwxr-xr-x  66 root     root        2560 Sep 23 07:11 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 root     other       2470 Sep 23 08:30 cleaning_tape_status.txt
-rw-rw-r--   1 root     sys         1740 Sep  7 16:49 ps_data
-rw-r--r--   1 root     other        473 Sep 23 13:30 mail_available_scratch_tapes.txt
-rw-r--r--   1 root     other        372 Sep 23 07:11 jrd_get_daily_backup_data.log
-rwxr-x---   1 root     other        268 Sep 23 14:07 client.list
drwx------   2 root     root         182 Sep  7 16:51 smc898
drwxrwxr-x   2 root     root         176 Sep  7 16:52 .X11-unix
drwxrwxr-x   2 root     root         176 Sep  7 16:52 .X11-pipe
-rw-r--r--   1 root     other        168 Sep 23 08:30 cleaning_tape_status2.txt
-rw-r-----   1 root     root         167 Sep 22 01:02 homes.5324
-rw-r-----   1 root     root         167 Sep  8 01:02 homes.19705
-rw-------   1 root     other        160 Sep 20 13:54 .dr_extra_info

Tech Support Cheat Sheet


How to get total usage of disk space

How to get total usage of disk space

This is my df -k output:

bash-2.03# df -kl
Filesystem            kbytes    used   avail capacity  Mounted on
/dev/md/dsk/d1       6198606 4706544 1430076    77%    /
/proc                      0       0       0     0%    /proc
mnttab                     0       0       0     0%    /etc/mnttab
fd                         0       0       0     0%    /dev/fd
/dev/md/dsk/d2       6198606 1295354 4841266    22%    /var
swap                 28122232      24 28122208     1%    /var/run
dmpfs                28122208       0 28122208     0%    /dev/vx/dmp
dmpfs                28122208       0 28122208     0%    /dev/vx/rdmp
swap                 28158368   36160 28122208     1%    /tmp
                       61440    2168   55573     4%    /pk1env
                     26288128  337377 24329013     2%    /RD
                     104857600   29157 98277953     1%    /saswork
                     52428800   96912 49062058     1%    /arenv_dev
                     10485760 3238372 6794469    33%    /oracle
                     104857600 51733220 49809874    51%    /arenv_uat
                     316518719 218121659 92248055    71%    /dmenv
                     419430400 156786469 246229944    39%    /inet
                     311907385 233406838 73606015    77%    /arenv
/dev/md/dsk/d4       1021735  439771  520660    46%    /opt/patrol
                      122880   38592   80015    33%    /usr/local
                     14680064 8824440 5490473    62%    /local/apps

This is the script:

bash-2.03#  df -kl | awk '/^\/dev\// { avail += $3/1024 } END { printf("%d Mb used\n",avail)} '
663141 Mb used

BESR (Backup Exec Server Recovery) - Recover from Physical Server to Hyper-V VM


It takes me few weeks of WebEx and the case was pass from Support team to Sr Advance Team engineer to tell me this:

- The previous system being a EFI based 64 bit machine the 32 bit  bootloader of the SRD is not able to recognize the command bcdedit and bootrec.
- The EFI based systems are not supported.
- That is why on the original system BESR is unable to see the EFI (system reserved partition) and on the restored hyper-V virtual machine the the bcdedit and bootrec is not working.

Below are my discussion with fellow Symantec forum members:

 I will write a full articles on Backup Exec Server Recovery 2010 with Hyper-V on PowerEdge R710 connected to DELLMD1200.

Notes: Windows 2003 server with Dell Utility partition works like charm

Quote of the day : Politic

Don't mixed up between your bias political view and those who give honest economical views. Economists, honest professionals or any honest individuals argue/criticize based on facts, points & substance given. They don't give a damn WHO says so. (or which political party say so). EOL -mailing list quote



Top 50 funny computer quotes

Enjoy this compilation of top 50 funny computer quotes:

50. "Some things Man was never meant to know. For everything else, there's Google."
49. "Failure is not an option -- it comes bundled with Windows."
48. "Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music."
47. "COBOL programmers understand why women hate periods."
46. "Artificial Intelligence usually beats natural stupidity."
45. "To err is human... to really foul up requires the root password."
44. "Like car accidents, most hardware problems are due to driver error."
43. "If at first you don't succeed; call it version 1.0"
42. "If Python is executable pseudocode, then perl is executable line noise."
41. "Programmers are tools for converting caffeine into code."

40. "Why do we want intelligent terminals when there are so many stupid users?"
39. "I can't uninstall it, there seems to be some kind of 'Uninstall Shield'."
38. "See daddy ? All the keys are in alphabetical order now."
37. "Hey! It compiles! Ship it!"
36. "SUPERCOMPUTER: what it sounded like before you bought it."
35. "Yo moma is like HTML: Tiny head, huge body."
34. "Windows Vista: It's like upgrading from Bill Clinton to George W. Bush."
33. "The more I C, the less I see."
32. "Life would be so much easier if we only had the source code."
31. "My software never has bugs. It just develops random features."

30. "The only problem with troubleshooting is that sometimes trouble shoots back."
29. "Crap... Someone knocked over my recycle bin... There's icons all over my desktop..."
28. "Relax, its only ONES and ZEROS !"
27. "rm -rf /bin/laden"
26. "I don't care if you ARE getting a PhD in it ! Get away from that damn computer and go find a woman !"
25. "The great thing about Object Oriented code is that it can make small, simple problems look like large, complex ones."
24. "If brute force doesn't solve your problems, then you aren't using enough."
23. “Programming is like sex, one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life.”
22. "Unix is user-friendly. It's just very selective about who its friends are."
21. Microsoft: "You've got questions. We've got dancing paperclips."

20. "I'm not anti-social; I'm just not user friendly"
19. The world is coming to an end... SAVE YOUR BUFFERS !"
18. "If you don't want to be replaced by a computer, don't act like one."
17. "Better to be a geek than an idiot."
16. "I went to a gentleman's cybercafe — and they offered me a 'laptop dance'."
15. "After Perl everything else is just assembly language."
14. "The Internet: where men are men, women are men, and children are FBI agents."
13. "There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don't."
12. "Difference between a virus and windows ? Viruses rarely fail."
11. "Hacking is like sex. You get in, you get out, and hope that you didn't leave something that can be traced back to you."

10. "1f u c4n r34d th1s u r34lly n33d t0 g37 l41d"
9. "Helpdesk: There is an icon on your computer labeled "My Computer". Double click on it.
User: What's your computer doing on mine?"
8. “I think Microsoft named .Net so it wouldn’t show up in a Unix directory listing.”
7. “If debugging is the process of removing bugs, then programming must be the process of putting them in.”
6. "Computer dating is fine, if you're a computer."
5. “Any fool can use a computer. Many do.”
4. “Hardware: The parts of a computer system that can be kicked.”
3. "Those who can't write programs, write help files."
2. "You know you're a geek when... You try to shoo a fly away from the monitor with your cursor. That just happened to me. It was scary."
1. “Computer language design is just like a stroll in the park. Jurassic Park, that is.”

iPad2 : Malaysia Price List

iPad2 : Malaysia Launching on 29th Apr 2011

How To Add FaceBook Like Button For Blogger (BLOGSPOT)

  1. Goto the Facebook developers page to customize the Like button. The button can be customized to be displayed as “Like” or “Recommend
  2. After customizing the button, click on the Get Code button to get the code to be inserted into the template.
  3. Select the iframe code.
  4. Under your Blogger account, go to Design -> Edit HTML and Click on Expand Widget Templates.
  5. Before making any changes, Download Full Template as a backup (in case it doesn't go as expected you have a valid backup)
  6. Search for the line “
    ” or “
    ” in your template.
  7. Insert the iFrame code under that line (you can customize the height if you think the gap is too much), i use 30px on my site.
  8. Save template and View your blog.

iPhone 4 tripod mount

Glif for iPhone 4

The Glif is a simple iPhone 4 accessory with two primary functions: mounting your iPhone onto a tripod and propping up your iPhone at various angles. The Glif is made from recyclable rubberized plastic that feels great and plays nice with your phone, and is small enough to fit snugly in your pocket, purse, or backpack. It has a 1/4"-20 thread that fits any standard tripod or camera mount. The Glif is designed to work with a "naked" (caseless) iPhone 4 and is compatible with both CDMA and GSM models. Designed and manufactured in America. 

Not only did Tom and Dave invent a fantastic accessory, but they have a story that is just as amazing. After designing the Glif, they put it up on Kickstarter in an effort to raise the $10,000 needed to put the Glif into production. The design was so popular, they received almost $140,000 in pledges! Incredible. The Glif is now in full scale production and available to order for $20.

P/S: Another amazing startup, good invention brings you good money.  Visit to but this cool tripod !

SORT tools for NetBackup users

SORT provides information on whether your environment is compatible with a NetBackup installation or upgrade, and gives you links to the latest documentation and software.

This portals provide Installation and Upgrade Checklist and Custom Reports for your environment for NBU & Storage Foundation.

Installation and Upgrade Checklist NBU Sample:

Custom reports give you server-specific recommendations for installing and upgrading Symantec enterprise products, managing risks, and tracking product licenses.
Installation and Upgrade Report Sample:


Microsoft Visio Open Source/Free Alternative

If you don't have MS Visio like me don't worry, here is the list of alternative open source or free that you can download it legally and use it.

From the website looks, i like to try gliffy as it is online so i don't have to install anything on my laptop.

sQew notepad++ in updating phase

I have a notepad called cfgadm close to 1000 line combining all commands that i use everyday, i'll try to update it everyday when i have spare time so i don't have to open the notepad again and i can access it anywhere.  

It only has these entries for Solaris, HPUX, Linux ,Netbackup, AVAMAR, Backup Exec, Networker, Brocade , NetApp, Symmetrix.  This enough isn't it 




After making any changes to the bp.conf file on a VERITAS NetBackup (tm) server, this command can be used to reread the configuration without having to stop and restart the NetBackup daemons. This command located in:

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bprdreq --
bprdreq: unrecognized option --
bprdreq: [-alive] [-logstatus] [-terminate] [-setverbose]
     [-M ]
     [-rereadconfig] [-master] [-startsched]
     [-recyclelogs ] [-wakeup ]
     [-recyclejobs] [-verbose] [-suspend_cancel_all]
How to use it to reload the bp.conf configurations file:

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bprdreq -rereadconfig

Note: This command will only detect and incorporate some bp.conf configuration changes. Many NetBackup configuration changes, such as adding or changing a SERVER entries, MEDIA SERVER entries, require a complete stop and start of the NetBackup daemons. If the bp.conf configuration change does not take effect, then the NetBackup daemons must be restarted. But usually this command works if you change the VERBOSE setting in bp.conf in troubleshooting process.

Solaris 9 / 8: Network Link & Mode Status

ndd command applied to Solaris 8 and Solaris 9, for Solaris 10 there's much more easier method which is using dladm commad.

Network configuration and checking using solaris.

Displays all command options for ndd
#ndd /dev/bge \?     
Choose the interface instance:
#ndd -set /dev/bge instance 0

Verify link status
# ndd /dev/bge0 link_status

link status 0 = Link Down
link status 1 = Link Up

Verify link speed
# ndd /dev/bge0 link_speed

link speed 0 = 10 Mbps
link speed 1 = 100 Mbps
link speed 1000 = 1 Gbit

Verify link mode
# ndd /dev/bge0 link_mode

link mode 0 = Half-Duplex mode (FDX)
link mode 1 = Full-Duplex mode (HDX)

Verify NIC configuration
# ndd -get /dev/bge0 \?
adv_1000fdx_cap (read and write)
adv_1000hdx_cap (read and write)
adv_100fdx_cap (read and write)
adv_100hdx_cap (read and write)
adv_10fdx_cap (read and write)
adv_10hdx_cap (read and write)
adv_autoneg_cap (read and write)
adv_pause_cap (read and write)
adv_asym_pause_cap (read and write)
link_status (read only)
link_speed (read only)
link_duplex (read only)
loop_mode (read only)

To query a different NIC, such as hme1, set the "instance" to 1, and then perform the link_mode and link_speed queries above.
# ndd -set /dev/hme instance 1

Note: the ndd commands above must be run as root. Otherwise, you will receive errors such as "couldn't push module 'hme0', No such device or address."

How to Add Facebook, Twitter and other social bookmar Share Button in Blogger

Notice the social sharing button on top of my page? This is the most easiest and coolest sharing button i have found so far. To get it Go to this page: and just follow the steps

Netbackup VxLog Configurations

Verify current configurations of the Veritas Unified Logs (VxLog)
bash-3.00# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/vxlogcfg -p 51216 -o Default -l
Configuration settings for originator 112, of product 51216...
LogDirectory = /usr/openv/logs/
DebugLevel = 1
DiagnosticLevel = 1
DynaReloadInSec = 0
LogToStdout = False
LogToStderr = False
LogToOslog = False
RolloverMode = LocalTime
LogRecycle = True
MaxLogFileSizeKB = 51200
RolloverPeriodInSeconds = 43200
RolloverAtLocalTime = 0:01
NumberOfLogFiles = 14
OIDNames =
L10nLib = /usr/openv/lib/
L10nResourceDir = /usr/openv/resources
SyslogIdent = VRTS-NB
SyslogOpt = 0
SyslogFacility = LOG_LOCAL5
LogFilePermissions = 664
Set the maximum logging level for all daemons run:

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/vxlogcfg -a -p 51216 -o Default -s DebugLevel=5 -s DiagnosticLevel=5

Return to the default level of logging for all daemons run:
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/vxlogcfg -a -p 51216 -o Default -s DebugLevel=1 -s DiagnosticLevel=1

Disable logging for all daemons run:
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/vxlogcfg -a -p 51216 -o Default -s DebugLevel=1 -s DiagnosticLevel=0

Verify it again:
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/vxlogcfg -p 51216 -o Default -l

Recycling unified log files
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/vxlogcfg -a -p 51216 -o Default -s LogRecycle=true

Configure the NumberOfLogFiles setting.  The following example will keep 14 days worth of logs when using vxlogmgr to delete log files
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/vxlogcfg -a -p 51216 -o Default -s NumberOfLogFiles=14

Manually delete unified log files (this will delete vxlog based on NumberofLogFiles setting) if older than that:
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/vxlogcfg vxlogmgr -a –d
Manually delete unified log files based on criteria , date or originator ID:
Delete all Unified log files created before midnight on 10/20/2010:
# vxlogmgr --del -e '10/20/2010 00:00:00 AM'
The following command will delete all Unified log files for the NetBackup product created on and before 10/20/2010.
# vxlogmgr --del -p 51216 -e '10/20/2005 23:59:59 PM'
The following command will delete all Unified log files for the NetBackup nbpem daemon created before 1PM on 10/20/2010.
# vxlogmgr --del -p 51216 -o 116 -e '10/20/2010 01:00:00 PM'

Directories used with Unified Logging
The /usr/openv/logs directory on the Master/EMM server stores log files.  Unlike Legacy logging, no directories need to be created for Unified logging to take effect.  By default logging is enabled at the lowest level and can be adjusted as needed using the vxlogcfg command.  

The format for the file names stores in the /usr/openv/logs directory is as follows:

The for NetBackup is 51216.  A list of Product Id's can be found in the /etc/vx/vrtslog.conf file.
The will indicate what process the log is for.  A list of Originator Id's can be found in the /usr/openv/netbackup/nblog.conf file.
The indicates the host ID of the machine.
The indicates the date of the log and is in YYMMDD format.
The is used to rotate the logs to control log size and disk space usage.
bash-3.00# ls -lrth
total 80924220
drwxr-xr-x   2 root     root          96 Aug 20  2010 lost+found
-rw-rw-r--   1 root     root        5.2K Apr  2 22:44 51216-166-2234025388-110402-0000000000.log
-rw-rw-r--   1 root     root        153M Apr  3 23:46 51216-226-2234025388-110403-0000000000.log
-rw-rw-r--   1 root     root         12M Apr  4 00:00 51216-116-2234025388-110403-0000000000.log
-rw-rw-r--   1 root     root        1.6M Apr  4 00:00 51216-222-2234025388-110403-0000000000.log
-rw-rw-r--   1 root     root         48M Apr  4 00:00 51216-272-2234025388-110403-0000000000.log
-rw-rw-r--   1 root     root        332M Apr  4 00:00 51216-132-2234025388-110403-0000000000.log
-rw-rw-r--   1 root     root        387M Apr  4 00:00 51216-117-2234025388-110403-0000000000.log
-rw-rw-r--   1 root     root        340M Apr  4 00:00 51216-118-2234025388-110403-0000000000.log
-rw-rw-r--   1 root     root        2.1G Apr  4 00:00 51216-111-2234025388-110403-0000000000.log
-rw-rw-r--   1 root     root        235M Apr  4 23:55 51216-226-2234025388-110404-0000000000.log
-rw-rw-r--   1 root     root         13M Apr  4 23:59 51216-116-2234025388-110404-0000000000.log

Commands used with Unified Logging
There are three primary commands used with Unified logging.  These are:
vxlogview - This command is used to view the Unified log files.  The vxlogview command allows the administrator to search by process (also known as an originator), Job ID, timeframe, etc. to display only the log entries needed to help isolate a problem.
·     vxlogcfg - This command is used to configure Unified logging settings such as how many days to keep logs, when to rotate log files as well as other settings.
·     vxlogmgr - This command is used to manage Unified log files and can be used to move or delete logs.  This can also be used to upload logs to a directory which can then be sent to Symantec Enterprise Technical Support for analysis.

Solaris 10 : Network link status

Lists all the network interfaces with Link Status (UP/DOWN), current speed (Mbps) and Mode Duplex (Half/Full)
bash-3.00# dladm show-dev
bge0            link: unknown   speed: 0     Mbps       duplex: unknown
bge1            link: unknown   speed: 0     Mbps       duplex: unknown
nxge0           link: up        speed: 10000 Mbps       duplex: full
nxge1           link: down      speed: 0     Mbps       duplex: unknown
nxge2           link: up        speed: 10000 Mbps       duplex: full
nxge3           link: down      speed: 0     Mbps       duplex: unknown

MTU and the VLAN tagging detail
bash-3.00# dladm show-link
bge0            type: non-vlan  mtu: 1500       device: bge0
bge1            type: non-vlan  mtu: 1500       device: bge1
nxge0           type: non-vlan  mtu: 1500       device: nxge0
nxge1           type: non-vlan  mtu: 1500       device: nxge1
nxge2           type: non-vlan  mtu: 1500       device: nxge2
nxge3           type: non-vlan  mtu: 1500       device: nxge3

Network traffic statistics including Input/Output packets & errors

bash-3.00# dladm show-dev -s
                ipackets  rbytes         ierrors opackets        obytes      oerrors
bge0            0         0           0       0         0           0
bge1            0         0           0       0         0           0
nxge0           1158473674053083230732460       728537323272594316715650
nxge1           0         0           0       0         0           0
nxge2           28919953  1741794926  0       790379298980418528244420
nxge3           0         0           0       0         0           0

Displays network traffic statistics (in this example every 5 seconds)

bash-3.00# dladm show-link -s -i 5 nxge0
                ipackets  rbytes         ierrors opackets        obytes      oerrors
nxge0           1158478616053083356284770       728538625972594339077740
                ipackets  rbytes         ierrors opackets        obytes      oerrors
nxge0           1678      206109      0       464       89159       0
                ipackets  rbytes         ierrors opackets        obytes      oerrors
nxge0           1369      128339      0       373       51196       0
                ipackets  rbytes         ierrors opackets        obytes      oerrors
nxge0           1926      1213927     0       618       79638       0
                ipackets  rbytes         ierrors opackets        obytes      oerrors
nxge0           1315      154370      0       400       64380       0

dladm is the admin utility for Data-Link Interface which helps to display informarthe like Link Status (UP/DOWN), Speed, Duplex, MTU, VLAN Tagged and crucially statistics of network traffic on each of the interfaces historically as well as in real time. dladm can also configure and admin Link Aggregation on multiple NICs which we will not focus here.

BASH: unary operator expected

Well, this is a very good reference if you face that error in your bash script:

Netbackup: getsockopt SO_ERROR returned: 146 on RHEL (status code 57)

This is typical error on RHEL, the symptom is you'll getting status code 57 (client connection refused) from the activity monitor.
bash-2.03# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bptestbpcd -debug -verbose -client
21:46:49.201 [14785] <2> bptestbpcd: VERBOSE = 0
21:46:49.233 [14785] <2> vnet_async_connect: vnet_vnetd.c.4237: getsockopt SO_ERROR returned: 146 0x00000092
21:46:49.235 [14785] <2> vnet_async_connect: vnet_vnetd.c.4237: getsockopt SO_ERROR returned: 146 0x00000092
21:46:50.235 [14785] <2> vnet_async_connect: vnet_vnetd.c.4237: getsockopt SO_ERROR returned: 146 0x00000092
21:46:50.236 [14785] <2> vnet_async_connect: vnet_vnetd.c.4237: getsockopt SO_ERROR returned: 146 0x00000092
21:46:52.236 [14785] <2> vnet_async_connect: vnet_vnetd.c.4237: getsockopt SO_ERROR returned: 146 0x00000092
21:46:52.239 [14785] <2> vnet_async_connect: vnet_vnetd.c.4237: getsockopt SO_ERROR returned: 146 0x00000092

Now access client and verify the xinetd process, usually when you getting socket error on new built server is because of this:

[root@linuxclient2 ~]# ps -ef|grep inetd
root     15700 15669  0 21:46 pts/0    00:00:00 grep inetd
[root@linuxclient2 ~]#  /etc/init.d/xinetd status
xinetd is stopped
[root@linuxclient2 ~]#  /etc/init.d/xinetd start
Starting xinetd:                                           [  OK  ]
[root@linuxclient2 ~]# ps -ef|grep inetd
root     15918     1  0 21:48 ?        00:00:00 xinetd -stayalive -pidfile /var/run/
root     15921 15669  0 21:48 pts/0    00:00:00 grep inetd
[root@linuxclient2 tmp]# /etc/init.d/xinetd status
xinetd (pid  2965) is running...
Now go back to Master Server and run bptestbpcd again:
bash-2.03# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bptestbpcd -debug -verbose -client

21:49:08.513 [15768] <2> bptestbpcd: VERBOSE = 0
21:49:08.557 [15768] <2> vnet_vnetd_service_socket: vnet_vnetd.c.2048: VN_REQUEST_SERVICE_SOCKET: 6 0x00000006
21:49:08.557 [15768] <2> vnet_vnetd_service_socket: vnet_vnetd.c.2062: service: bpcd
21:49:08.600 [15768] <2> logconnections: BPCD CONNECT FROM TO
21:49:08.603 [15768] <2> vnet_connect_to_vnetd_extra: vnet_vnetd.c.182: msg: VNETD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 6
21:49:08.622 [15768] <2> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: vnet_vnetd.c.535: VN_REQUEST_CONNECT_FORWARD_SOCKET: 10 0x0000000a
21:49:08.666 [15768] <2> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: vnet_vnetd.c.552: ipc_string: /tmp/vnet-18988301536148664037000000000-RzfjSb
1 1 1 -> ->
21:49:08.866 [15768] <2> bpcr_get_peername_rqst: Server peername length = 17
21:49:08.966 [15768] <2> bpcr_get_hostname_rqst: Server hostname length = 25
21:49:09.066 [15768] <2> bpcr_get_clientname_rqst: Server client name length = 25
21:49:09.166 [15768] <2> bpcr_get_version_rqst: bpcd version: 06540000
21:49:09.266 [15768] <2> bpcr_get_platform_rqst: Server client platform length = 14
21:49:09.366 [15768] <2> bpcr_get_version_rqst: bpcd version: 06540000
21:49:09.467 [15768] <2> bpcr_patch_version_rqst: theRest == > <
21:49:09.468 [15768] <2> bpcr_get_version_rqst: bpcd version: 06540000
21:49:09.566 [15768] <2> bpcr_patch_version_rqst: theRest == > <
21:49:09.567 [15768] <2> bpcr_get_version_rqst: bpcd version: 06540000
VERSION = 0x06540000
PLATFORM = linuxR_x86_2.6
21:49:09.673 [15768] <2> vnet_connect_to_vnetd_extra: vnet_vnetd.c.182: msg: VNETD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 8
21:49:09.695 [15768] <2> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: vnet_vnetd.c.535: VN_REQUEST_CONNECT_FORWARD_SOCKET: 10 0x0000000a
21:49:09.739 [15768] <2> vnet_vnetd_connect_forward_socket_begin: vnet_vnetd.c.552: ipc_string: /tmp/vnet-18989301536149737033000000000-VQwExj ->
<2>bptestbpcd: EXIT status = 0
21:49:09.745 [15768] <2> bptestbpcd: EXIT status = 0

Backup should now completed, from the NBU activity monitor the jobid is 6770640:
bash-2.03# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bperror -U -jobid 6770640       3/30/2011 22:00:32 mediaserver  CLIENT  POLICY Unix_Mon  SCHED       Weekly_full  EXIT STATUS 0 (the requested operation was       successfully completed)