Marie Digby - A real reality internet celebrity
However i personally like this songs originally by Linking Park: WHAT I HAVE DONE
New MyVI FaceLift
Maybe Perodua want to target to female executive or professional for this upcoming facelift. They also has replace a huge ugly audio set in current MyVI production with this new one Audio set, personally i think and would suggest to Perodua to start to do their own dashboard rather than depends on this ugly current dashboard using worldwide by Daihatsu Sirion and Toyota Passo especially at the center panel for audio and aircond.

New Shoutbox
Linking NetBackup for Oracle with RMAN
1. Become the Oracle user.
su - oracle
2. (Conditional) Shut down all of the Oracle instances (SIDs).
Perform this step if you are using an Oracle8 release. Oracle releases 9 and later do not need to perform this step.
The user must connect as the SYSDBA, either using OS Authentication or Oracle Authentication (set up in the Oracle password file). The following example is for Oracle9i.
Set the $ORACLE_SID environment variable to the first SID.
Connect as SYSDBA in one of the following ways:Using OS Authentication:
Using Oracle Authentication (via password file):
sqlplus /nologconnect userid/password as sysdbashutdown immediateexit
c. Change the $ORACLE_SIDenvironment variable to any other SID that uses this Oracle installation, and repeat the preceding commands.
3. Set up automatic linking.
Change directory to /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/
Run the oracle_linkscript:./oracle_link
This script determines the Oracle version level and then links Oracle to NetBackup. All output from this script is written to /tmp/ To change the trace file location, change the MAKE_TRACE variable in the oracle_link script.
4. Restart the Oracle instances.
Manually Linking HP-UX (64-bit) Using 64-bit Oracle9i or Later Software
Use this procedure for Oracle 9i or later releases.
▼ To link manually
1. Type the following the cd(1) command to change directories:
2. Type the following ls(1) command to determine whether the Oracle library exists:
ls -l libobk.*
3. (Conditional) Use the mv(1) command to move the Oracle library to an alternate location.
Perform this step if the output from step 2 shows that libobk.slor libobk.a are present.
◆ If exists, type the following command:
◆ If libobk.a exists, type the following command:
mv libobk.a libobk.a.orig
4. Type the following ln(1) command to create new links:
ln -s /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/libobk.sl64
Documentation:Decommissioning a Media Server in VERITAS NetBackup (tm) Enterprise Server 6.0 (UNIX)
In the following procedure the media server that is being decommissioned is referred to as the old_server and the new media server as new_server.
Refer to VERITAS NetBackup System Administrator's Guide for UNIX, Volume I or VERITAS NetBackup System Administrator's Guide for Windows, Volume I for more information for the steps involving configuring NetBackup.
#bpmedialist -mlist -l -h old_server
#bpmedia -movedb -ev media_ID -oldserver old_server -newserver new_server
FORCE_RESTORE_MEDIA_SERVER = old_server new_server
5. Use the Media and Device Management GUI to delete the drives and then the robots from the old_server.
b. Use the Media and Device Management GUI to add the robots and drives to those media servers.
See “Adding Robots Manually” on page 51 and “Adding Drives” on page 61.
d. Use the Media and Device Management GUI to inventory the robots attached to the new_server. This will update the location of all tapes in these robots.
Che Det is BACK !!
As a blogger this time. It's called "Dr. Mahathir Mohamad". Better save the following URL in your IE favourites
because I am sure that you'll be visiting the site time and time again from now on. Welcome to the blogosphere TDM! Looking forward to your future posts.