Are You a Leader?

Have someone you know or just know have told you that you are a leader. I have come across that few times and i really want to know that for real so i take a test.

This test is designed to effectively measure your leadership skills. This assessment will help you discover your strengths and weaknesses, which will allow you to better discover your ability to lead others to success. Leadership, like many talents, can be improved with effort and self-knowledge. Knowing your limitations as a leader will allow you to improve upon them.

Leadership can be divided into 15 unique sections. In life, these categories flow together, building off each other, and are applied in conjunction. But in testing, we can isolate individual skills and evaluate your strength in each. The categories are as follows:

  • 1. Diligence - How hard do you work?
  • 2. Persistence - For how long will you work to achieve your goal?
  • 3. Understanding - Can you listen to others’ problems?
  • 4. Confrontation - Do you have problems confronting adversaries?
  • 5. Public Speaking - Can you stand in front of crowds and talk to them?
  • 6. Problem Solving - Are you able to find appropriate solutions?
  • 7. Role Model - Do people look up to you and your values?
  • 8. Disposition - Are you easy to get along with?
  • 9. Flexibility - Can you change your schedule according to group majority?
  • 10. Ambition - Do you ever settle for mediocrity?
  • 11. Organization - Can you keep a schedule for you and your followers?
  • 12. Punctuality - Are you on time for your appointments?
  • 13. Loyalty - Do you drop out of programs or change votes?
  • 14. Street Smarts - Can you hold your own voice in the real world?
  • 15. Versatility - Are you a jack of all trades or a master of none?

At the end of this test, you will receive your top leadership strength and weakness. You will also have the option of purchasing a full, detailed evaluation at your leisure.

Do your best to judge yourself honestly. The closer your answers are to your true skills, the more accurate your results will be.

Take your test here

Apakah cita-cita anda masa sekolah rendah ?

Dulu dalam kelas selalu cikgu tanya nak jadi apa bila besar? :-D
Start dari darjah satu sampai enam, sure ada cikgu tanya and tiap kali cita-cita aku berubah haha.
Tapi masa darjah 6, cikgu tanya aku cakap nak jadi jurutera teknologi maklumat. Masa tu agak ganjil bunyinya, sebab masa tu bukan era teknologi aku pun sebut je sebab terbaca kat paper.
Lepas 12 tahun cita-cita aku tu dah realiti haha... ingat boleh jadi doctor tapi sebab tgk darah pun tak lepas :-P

Bahasa Melayu VS Bahasa Inggeris

Artikel : Bahasa Melayu ?

Makin hari makin aku tak faham agenda hala tuju bahasa kat Malaysia, kita terlalu mengikut adunan orang lain tanpa menyelidik arah tuju kemajuan sesuatu bangsa. Aku ingat lagi tiga tahun lepas dalam Utusan Malaysia, dalam muka surat bersebelahan. Dalam muka surat sebelah kiri menyatakan kita harus menggunakan Bahasa Inggeris sebagai bahasa pengantaraan dalam subjek Sains dan Matematik supaya anak-anak kita lebih mahir dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Di sebelahnya pula hasil dari resolusi Kongres Bahasa Melayu sedunia, "Kita mesti memperluaskan Bahasa Melayu ke seluruh dunia bagi menjadikan Bahasa Melayu sebuah bahasa yang diguna pakai di seluruh dunia". Di kongres tersebut boleh lah anda lihat orang-orang luar dari China, Rusia, Kanada, Eropah yang berbahasa Melayu. Memang satu petanda yang sihat tetapi realitinya kita tidak boleh mengulang sejarah kegemilangan Melaka di mana waktu itu Bahasa Melayu adalah bahasa seantero nusantara juga boleh digelar bahasa perdagangan. Kalau mahu diulas memang banyak tentang bahasa ini, aku bukanlah pendokong setia bahasa melayu mahupun bahasa inggeris cuma cara agenda tersebut dilaksana agak janggal dan ironi.

p/s: Jangan tanya kenapa aku tulis artikel pendek di atas, cuma gian mahu menulis :)

Dude! She is HOT

Dude, finally she is here. What a beauty !!! Dude..............urrgghhh

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