<#include life.h>
//To have the life of your dreams and avoid regret, consider ;
If no one else is doing it,
echo "It might be the thing to do"
Else If it defies practically,
echo "It might be the thing to do"
Else If you fell afraid,
echo "Assess the risk"
Else If there is danger to your health,
echo "Move on"
echo "Keep exploring your curiosities"
Evaluating the results; &&
Building on your progress.
End If.
p/s: dont know what kind of programming language is that.. :P hahaha
[Mood] : Boring - Piss off - Erghhh
[Musique] : Shizuka - RedLine
[Need] : A Gurl
[Do what] : RTFM
[What i Want] : Change all the machine here according to my idea.
[Piss off what] : Someone who dont know im disappointed of her
Netsecurity New Year's Resolutions
from Tony Bradley, CISSP, MCSE2k, MCSA, A+
Resolutions Continued
Turn off active coding in your web browser:
Use encryption: Even if an unauthorized person were to somehow gain access to your computer or network, you could further protect your personal or confidential data by encrypting it. Using the built-in EFS (Encrypted File System) in the more recent versions of Microsoft Windows you can encrypt your files or folders so that only you can view them.
Back up your important files:Defining "important" is in the eye of the beholder. For some that may only mean their financial records- bank account files, stock tracking data and such. For many it will also include photos, songs and documents that would be irreplaceable if something were to happen to the computer. Backing up your data is just good common sense. Even if no malicious code, worm, virus, Trojan or otherwise ever infiltrated your computer sometimes hard drives simply crash. You should set up a periodic schedule to back up your data- daily, weekly, monthly or whatever suits your needs best. It is also good practice to take your backup media to another location. If a fire or other physical tragedy should destroy your computer it won't work very well to have the backup files get destroyed at the same time. You can try
Backup For One software to help you automate and schedule your backups.
Take a class: If you want to get serious about computer and network security you should consider taking a class. There are many offered ranging from the general and basic to the specific and advanced. You may even consider becoming
Read, read and read some more: There is absolutely no shortage of resources to read that will help you learn more and broaden your horizons when it comes to computer and network security. Whether its simply visiting the About.com Internet / Network Security site on a regular basis or actually reading books on the subject. You can see the
[mood] - happy
[song] - ajar syiQi camne nak buat ( ² )